Digital advertising is the future of marketing. With more than half of American adults accessing digital media daily and a significant portion of global ad spend shifting to digital as reported by Neilsen Insights , it’s a future that’s coming fast. In fact, last year saw a staggering increase in digital ad spending: it rose by 19.5 percent to reach $160 billion across all channels. And with the advent of new technologies and new consumer expectations, the pace is only accelerating. But what exactly is making this such an attractive alternative to older formats? Here are five reasons why you should give digital advertising a try sooner rather than later.
You Control Every Aspect of Your Campaign
Digital advertising is run entirely by the buyer. The overwhelming majority of digital advertising platforms, such as Google and Facebook, are owned by the brands themselves. So, rather than having a third-party vendor manage their budget and strategy, brands have full control over their spend and spend at their discretion.
This means that, apart from the budget, they can decide what content and ad formats to use, when and where. It’s an immense shift for marketers: the ability to choose the best channels for their business.
Whether it’s deciding to promote an app or a specific product, or choosing the best time to run an ad, brands are in total control. And with so much at stake, this is an advantage that will only become more important as digital advertising matures.
Digital Ads Are Highly Targeted
Digital ads allow you to control the actual message you want to portray to your audience. In fact, in compliance with privacy laws and regulations, you can target users based on demographic and behavioral data. That means you can make the ad more relevant to your audience, increasing their engagement and ultimately the number of sales you make.
But beyond targeting, digital ads are also highly targeted. With a combination of audience and creative, ad formats like video, audio, animation, and interactive, as well as distribution channels like display, mobile web and native apps, you can create an ad that looks and feels like it was made specifically for your brand.
That’s a huge advantage over print or even online ads, which are only ever seen by some people. Digital ads are designed to capture the full attention of the user, making them far more likely to become customers.
It’s Low-Cost
Higher quality and more detailed video makes up the bulk of digital ad spend. However, video ads are far from the only type of digital ad out there, and even in video, brands are turning to other, cheaper formats like images and text, which are less time-consuming to produce.
This means that, as digital evolves, costs are becoming more and more amenable.
So, according to Forbes, digital ad prices have, for the most part, remained low. This is despite a 19.5 percent increase in ad spend. In fact, some studies show that digital ad prices could plummet as demand increases, since there’s far less supply than demand.
While there are a growing number of digital ad networks, many of which are owned and operated by brands, there’s also a general sense that prices will keep dropping.
Easy To Measure and Track
Digital advertising is inherently measurable. Of course, with video, you can measure how many times it’s been viewed and its performance. But, beyond that, all of your other digital metrics will also be applicable, like engagement and click-through rates. A digital ad platform will even give you analytics that let you see how your ads are performing, helping you make changes to maximize results.
This is a huge advantage over traditional advertising, which, even with the best digital tracking, can be difficult to measure. It’s also an advantage for digital over traditional, since you can keep track of exactly which channels are performing best.
That means you can use whichever channels are performing best for the highest number of impressions, without wasting money on channels that aren’t bringing any new customers to your business.
People Really Respond To Personalization
Digital advertising is inherently personal. In compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations, you can target users based on demographic and behavioral data. So, when you create an ad that caters to those factors, you’re going to see a far higher response rate.
What this means is a greater number of potential customers. With more people seeing your ad, there’s a greater chance that someone will respond to it, which means there’s a greater chance that they’ll buy your product.
This is a key advantage of digital advertising: the ability to create ads that are genuinely tailored to the user. You can’t always tell from someone’s online behavior whether they’re likely to buy your product, but you can tell from their online behavior if they’re likely to respond to your ad.
Digital advertising is the most effective way to reach your target market. It allows you to target specific audiences on their preferred platforms, increase the chances of receiving a click, and track their actions, offering you the opportunity to tailor your message to your customer’s needs.
If you’re not already investing in digital advertising, now is the time to start. With improvements in technology and new consumer expectations, the future of marketing is increasingly digital.
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